
The main goal of the corporate governance system adopted by the Company is to create value for shareholders, fully aware of the importance of transparency in the company’s decision-making processes and the need for an effective internal control system.

Principles of Corporate Governance of Sisal S.p.A.

The organization of Sisal S.p.A. is based on the traditional management and organizational control model referred to in Articles 2380-bis and following of the Italian Civil Code and is structured as follows:

  • General Meeting of Shareholders: whether in an ordinary or extraordinary session, this is responsible for approving issues reserved for it by law or by the articles of association;
  • Board of Directors: this is invested with the widest powers for the ordinary and extraordinary management of the Company with the right to carry out all the appropriate actions for the implementation and achievement of the corporate purpose, with the exception of acts reserved - by law or by the articles of association - for the General Meeting;
  • Board of Statutory Auditors: this has the task of supervising compliance with the law and the articles of association, compliance with the principles of correct administration and adequacy of the organizational, administrative and accounting structure adopted by the Company and its proper functioning. The requirements, functions and responsibilities of the Board of Statutory Auditors are regulated by law;
  • Independent Auditor: the audit of the Company’s accounts is carried out by a specialized firm, according to the law, specifically appointed by the General Meeting of shareholders on a reasoned proposal of the Board of Statutory Auditors.

Corporate governance assumes primary importance as a tool that contributes to the creation of value for shareholders.

Board of Directors of Sisal S.p.A.

The Company is managed by a Board of Directors made up of 5 members (listed below), who will remain in office until the approval of the financial statements for the year ending at 31 December 2024:  
  • Aurelio Regina, Chairman of the Board of Directors 
  • Francesco Durante, CEO
  • Daniel Taylor, Board Director
  • Roberto Di Fonzo, Board Director
  • Marco Caccavale, Board Director 

All Directors perform their duties competently and independently, setting the creation of value for shareholders as their primary objective.

Board of Statutory Auditors

The Board of Statutory Auditors consists of 3 standing members and 2 alternate members, , who will remain in office until the approval of the financial statement for the year ending at 31 December 2026:

  • Ezio Simonelli, Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors
  • Silvia Baroffio, Standing Auditor
  • Paolo Ferraretti, Standing Auditor
  • Serena Gatteschi, Substitute Auditor
  • Roberto Cassader, Substitute Auditor


The firm of auditors

The firm of auditors has the task of analysing the company's financial statements and checking that the accounts are properly kept and that the operating events are correctly recorded in the accounting records, verifying the correct application of the accounting, tax and fiscal regulations in force and of the internal control procedures.

This activity is currently entrusted to the auditing firm KPMG S.p.A., until the approval of the financial statements for the year 2025.

Supervisory Body

The Company has adopted an Organization, Management and Control Model pursuant to art. 6 of Legislative Decree no. 231/01, aimed, among other things, at ensuring conditions of fairness and transparency in the conduct of business activities, and has a Supervisory Body. This Supervisory Body has the task of overseeing compliance with and the functioning of the Model, its knowledge within the Company as well as its updating, in the context of the general improvement of the internal control system that the Company constantly pursues in terms of effectiveness and efficiency.

The Supervisory Body is made up of three members, who will remain in office until the approval of the financial statement for the year ending at 31 December 2026::

  • Lawyer Emiliano Nitti, Coordinator
  • Iole Anna Savini, member
  • Simona Paccioretti, member



The bylaws of Sisal S.p.A. define the basic characteristics and set out its main organisational and operating rules.
Sisal S.p.A. Statutes

Code of Ethics

In managing our operations and business relations, we are inspired by the principles of legality, loyalty, fair play, transparency, efficiency and an open market, and are convinced that corporate social responsibility is of paramount importance.


We have embarked on certification processes in various areas to provide official guarantees of our commitment to our stakeholders and to offering them a comprehensive, safe and quality experience.

Control system

We have introduced an internal control system with rules, procedures and organisational structures that ensure the business is managed in a healthy and fair way, consistently with the goals set.


At Sisal, the training required by law consists of six training courses for the entire company population of all Sisal companies including external workers, employees, temporary workers, collaborators, fellows and interns.

Company Profile

In 1945, from the dream and the intuition of three sports journalists was born Sisal. The first Italian company to operate in the gambling industry as a Concessionaire of the State.

Milan, 23 December 2019

Francesco Durante new Sisal SpA CEO

Following the separation of the payments and gambling businesses, Francesco Durante has been appointed CEO of Sisal SpA.



2021 Sustainability Report