This scenario of technological and social change also affects companies, the way they do business, and what they offer the market, and in fact it is transforming the two industries in which Sisal operates: our traditional business area of gaming and betting, and the innovative payment system market. The areas in which digital technology is transforming our customers’ relationship with our products and services are in particular the user experience on mobile devices, the hybrid approach to the neighbourhood bricks-and-mortar and online channels, and the development of cashless payments. This means that anticipating trends, interpreting the potential of the future and responding to consumer expectations are now decisive factors for long term corporate growth and sustainability.
SisalPay-branded payment services today represent over 50% of our group’s turnover. The rise in the total value of transactions from €1.4bn in 2008 to €9bn in 2017 is in part the result of our investments in the payment services area, which have established our reputation as a reliable operator in the world of digital payments and allowed us to capitalise on the hybrid model, involving a local presence with over 40,000 retail points and ongoing technological innovation.
The evolution of point of sale terminals, the upgrading of the digital channel, and the development of e-payments represent major investments that allow us to drive trends in the payments sector and accredit us with the Digital Transformation Team for the launch of the PagoPA initiative, the new system for making payments to the Public Administration.
This digital innovation drive is supported by our group’s recruitment of about 100 new professionals, by the acquisition of startups, and by taking part in initiatives like the Digital360 Awards that promote the culture of innovation in Italy in the framework of Open Innovation.
The ever closer focus on the experience of gaming and payment services and the drive for technological innovation allows us to accelerate the process of Digital Transformation and begin our evolution into a digital factory.